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Wirral Mix has a well-established reputation for excellence in the supply of concrete. With a growing fleet of volumetric batching trucks we are able to provide a fast, flexible, high quality service to sites in the Wirral.
Our dedicated team of professional staff combined with a fleet of advanced, specialist delivery vehicles are key factors in making Wirral Mix one of the country’s leading suppliers to the contract construction and civil engineering markets
Most of today’s buildings rely on concrete for their foundations, floors and many other structural components, whilst much contemporary architecture owes a great deal to concrete for its aesthetic appeal and energy efficiency. In the UK, we currently use around 16 million cubic metres of concrete per year and that figure is set to increase to an estimated 25 million cubic metres within the next decade.
Strength and flexibility are the key properties that make concrete the most widely used construction material in the world. It can be used in small or large quantities and formed into practically any shape. For construction work, reinforcement materials such is steel are used to increase tensile strength.
To create concrete, cement, water and aggregates are combined in carefully controlled, predetermined ratios. Wirral Mix has years of expertise in the creation of concrete mixes to suit individual and specialist applications.